Sales Manager Christian Winther is always available for your inquiries about our various wagons and their abilities to meet your needs.
Christian Winther +45 20841607
Baastrup Vognen is the largest manufacturer of agricultural wagons in Denmark with over 100 years of experience.
Throughout the years we have constantly strived to be among the leader at the market, and continues to develop products for the customers special needs.
Baastrup Vognen’s products are under constant development, so that we always deliver wagons of the highest quality at reasonable prices.
The Baastrup Wagon offers customers a hassle-free cooperation, even after delivery of the wagon.
Baastrup Vognen has its own preparation center in Hedensted, where all wagons are checked before delivery to the customer. In Hedensted, Baastrup Vognen also has a spare parts warehouse and service department.