
Novatech was established in 1996 in Aalborg, Denmark as an engineering company specialized in transport equipment for the shipping and marine industry.

In 2000 Novatech expanded, by establishing its own production facility in Poland near the city Katowice. In its beginnings, Novatech’s main product were Roll Trailers. The variety of our products developed gradually, starting in 2005, when Novatech decided to develop their own Terminal Trailer and Translifter, which since then have been produced and sold under the trade names TT™ and Flexmaster™.

In February 2017 Novatech took over its biggest competitor in the Translifter market, TTS Liftec OY. Novatech and NT Liftec OY are today, as part of the NT Group, the biggest producers of Translifters and cassettes worldwideide. However, our intention is to further develop the Translifter market with new and better designs, which will benefit the industry.

The Novatech Group is today spread over 3 localities, and it includes Novatech ApS in Denmark, which takes care of sale and development of Marine Equipment, NT Liftec OY in Finland, which takes care of development and sales of Translifter Systems for Marine and Industrial Customers, and finally NT Industry in Poland, which takes care of the entire production of equipment as well as Service of delivered equipment.

Baastrup Vognen er Danmarks største producent af landbrugsvogne.

Baastrup Vognen (Baastrup Maskinfabrik) er over 100 år gammel, og gennem alle årene har vi uafbrudt stræbt efter at være blandt de bedste på markedet til at udvikle produkter, der modsvarer tidens efterspørgsel og kundernes specielle behov.

Siden begyndelsen af 70’erne har Baastrup Vognen været toneangivende indenfor landbruget med en konstant udvikling af de forskellige vogne svarende til kravene fra kunderne.

Baastrup Vognen vil også løbende forbedre og videreudvikle os selv og vore produkter, så vi til en hver tid kan opfylde vores kunders ønsker og krav, samt at overholde den gældende danske lovgivning. Vogne kan leveres i en dejlig varm rød farve, men kan leveres i kundespecifikke farver iht aftale dog mod en mindre merpris.

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Do you have any questions about our products or another subject? Then feel free to reach out to us using the contact form or email or call one of our engineers directly. We look forward to hearing from you.

+45 98 16 50 09

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